taccor - 1 GHz to 10 GHz
taccor is a range of femtosecond lasers with a repetition rate of 1 GHz. The lasers combine a pump laser and an oscillator in a compact monobloc design, which significantly reduces maintenance compared to other similar designs. More information on the manufacturer's website.

venteon - multi-cycle pulses
Used in many areas of physical, biological and chemical research, even in the application of CEP stabilization and pump and probe spectroscopy, the venteon is characterized by reliable, long-lasting performance. More information on the manufacturer's website.

Helixx - 250 MHz
Repetition rates in the MHz range are an established choice in the field of ultra-short pulsed lasers. The Quantum laser offers a range of femtosecond lasers with different output powers and pulse lengths. Learn more at the manufacturer's site.

THz technology
THz radiation is a rapidly growing field of research due to its non-ionizing nature and transparency for many materials. In combination with the time domain of spectroscopy, it can provide information on the effect of samples on the amplitude and phase of radiation, thus providing more information than other spectroscopic techniques. More information on the manufacturer's website.

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